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巴西ians and Swedes advance in the integration of Gripen navigation systems

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Three 巴西ian system and software engineers are advancing on the integration between VOR (VHF Omnidirecional Range Equipment) and TACAN/DME (Tactical 空气 导航/Distance Measuring Equipment), the last one being a unique feature to 巴西ian 空气 Force’s F-39 Gripen. 所有 the work is done from Gripen Design and Development Network (GDDN). 这是一个重要的技术转让中心, 位于巴航工业工厂, 在加维奥佩克托, 在圣保罗州.

VOR is a device capable of measuring the course of the aircraft to the ground transmitter, 这有助于导航. 整合工作将于2021年完成. The TACAN/DME serves to measure the distance and the course of the aircraft to a ground or air transmitter. 它的整合应该在2023年底之前完成. The project is developed under the supervision of Saab’s department of Flight Data & 导航,在瑞典. 在每周的会议上, 瑞典队能够跟上该国取得的进步, in the same way that 巴西ians have access to all the necessary information with computers that are integrated with Saab in Linköping.

“Embraer’s 巴西ian engineers have advanced expertise on development of software that is critical for flight and safety. 我们与他们分享了有关设备操作的信息, 这样他们就可以开发这个概念,并在S-Rig上进行测试, 第一个鹰狮开发模拟器Linköping. 在那之后, we had a meeting to assess whether the work is in compliance with the operational requirements. The 巴西ian engineers experience from developing safety critical software is a big advantage, since there is hard to find engineers with this kind of experience in Sweden”, 安德里亚斯评论道Bergström, E/F飞行数据主管 & 导航.

Before practice, 巴西ian engineers underwent on-the-job training at Saab in 2018. This joint effort is part of the technology transfer process that aims to provide the practical knowledge needed to perform these same tasks in 巴西, 在培训和教育环境之外, 在所谓的工作包中. 完全, 这样的包裹有50多个, 哪些涉及到系统的领域, 结构, 软件和航空电子设备, 例如.

“技术转移过程从理论开始. 然后, 在职培训期间, 巴西ians learn through activities under the supervision and monitoring of a Swedish mentor from Saab. When the practical training is over is the moment when we are able to notice the benefits brought about by the technology transfer. 现在, 这些专业人员积极参与GDDN的飞机开发。”, 雷特上校解释道, FX-2项目经理, in the Coordinating Committee of the Fighter 空气craft Programme (COPAC).

Upon returning to 巴西, the system and software engineers began working on the GDDN in 2019. 从那时起, the 巴西ian team worked with the integration of the RALT (Radar Altimeter Equipment) system, 一种测量飞机到地面距离的雷达, 帮助确定海拔高度. This part of the work package was completed and handed over for further flight test evaluation in late 2020.

“When the development project ends and goes through the simulations on the S-Rig, 该系统开始在飞机上进行测试. The 巴西ian team then transferred the RALT to the Flight Test Department to see how the equipment behaves in action,Bergström说.

要了解更多关于GDDN的信息, 观看第九集 《亚洲体育博彩平台》网络系列剧第二季.




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