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The theme for this years’ International Women’s Day is embracing equity; gender equity encompasses more than just equality.

At Saab, we are dedicated to creating a workplace that is equitable, diverse and inclusive. We recognise that embracing equity means celebrating the unique contributions that we each bring to work every day.

满足纳丁, Caroline and Vanessa who tell us a little bit about their career journeys and what equity means to them:


纳丁: “I am a Change Manager at Saab 澳大利亚 and I have been working here for a little over a year. This was a newly created role as the business recognised the need to increase their focus on the people aspects of significant change within the business, which for a rapidly growing organisation is quite broad and deep.

多年来,我的职业生涯有了有机的发展, with little to no planning on my behalf (don’t recommend you try that at home!), which has meant that I have had an incredibly diverse career.  I started in administration before moving in to recruitment, 一般人力资源, then capability before diving head first into business improvement, 物流, 制造业, 项目管理,最终是变更管理, 什么都学一点! I have worked in retail, non-for-profit, 制造业, software development and now defence.”

卡罗琳: “I am a Project Manager in Saab 澳大利亚's Maritime division and have been in the defence industry for over 10 years, working as an engineer and project manager in 澳大利亚 and abroad in advanced 制造业, 航空航天, 公民的安全, 海事及其他.

My experience lies in managing the lifecycle of products and services, 从概念到交付和处置, 在信息和通信技术方面, 基础设施, 以及软硬件系统集成, 最近, 作战管理系统.

It’s very rewarding to be a part of projects that have strengthened industry capability via technology and knowledge transfer.”

凡妮莎: “I am a Program Manager in Saab 澳大利亚's 土地 and Aerospace division and have been working at here for 24 years.  

在亚洲体育博彩平台工作期间,我一直在陆地上工作, 海事和潜艇项目, 涵盖多种收购, 支持和R&D项目.”



纳丁: “没有偏见,无论是有意识的还是无意识的.  It means equal pay, equal opportunity, equal expectation and equal expectations.

我们(女性)需要停止向皈依者传教. 上午茶, 午餐和由女性组织的活动, 对女性来说是伟大的, 但我们需要男人来管理这些活动, presented by men so they can lead other men to support gender equality transformation. 自言自语并不能真正改变游戏规则, 利用懂得平等的人, 女权主义者, and men who have a genuine desire for gender equality should be encouraged, supported and enabled to drive the conversation and initiate actions to drive change. There are a lot of men who not only support gender equality but promote it openly. 我们来利用它.”

卡罗琳: “这是公平和相互尊重, 认识到我们每个人都是独一无二的, 我们每个人的想法都不一样, 我们以不同的方式贡献和增加价值. Each person should be measured and recognised based on merit and contributions.

It means equal pay for equal work; education and awareness of unconscious bias; female role models in leadership roles; and diversity on hiring panels. It also requires leaders to ensure that hires, appointments and awards are merit-based.”

凡妮莎: “Being aware of our inherent biases and checking them before we act. It means working to eliminate any barriers to participation for anyone, regardless of gender. As a female in a male-dominated industry this also means being visible to others who might want to follow a similar path.

To truly reach gender equality it’s important that we recognising our own biases and learn to set them aside as much as possible. 也, the reality is that most care roles/duties fall to women (but increasingly men too) so we need to make sure that we offer flexibility to make roles as attractive and workable for families and those with other carer responsibilities as possible – by offering flexibility that includes options such as working part-time, 在家办公, 等.”



纳丁: “My advice to women starting out in their careers is to ensure you sit at the table, expect the same level of attention and voice as everyone else in the room. Remove your own unconscious bias about your contribution and place in the organisation as a priority. 对机会说“是”,然后再想办法.”

卡罗琳: “Be patient and pace yourself because everything takes time and dedication. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow so create and harness opportunities; shape and build your career.” 

凡妮莎: “建立你的人际网络, build each other up and support each other whether that’s within your friendship group, 你的公司或你的行业——这些都有帮助.”

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