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设计可部署的运行状况模块, researching healthcare gaps in remote communities and still in university? 在亚洲体育博彩平台实习的生活.

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Our 12 week paid internship program gives undergraduates the opportunity to experience what it will be like to practice their profession and work alongside industry leaders across the defence and security sectors.

很大程度上, the interns we take on each year reflect our business structure and they specialise in engineering majors including electrical/electronics, 机械/机电一体化, 计算机系统或软件工程. 使我们的项目多样化, this year our intern cohort included a Market Research Intern in our new Victorian Office.

Saab continues to experience unprecedented growth, mirroring 澳大利亚’s booming defence industry. 有很多令人兴奋的机会, we encourage undergraduates of broader specialisations in their penultimate year to enquire with our Human Resources team and apply for our internship program.

希拉里, Justin and Kevin are three of this year’s interns who were placed in our Deployable Health division within Saab’s 土地 division.




“My internship project focused on research and development of deployable health modules to provide aid for rural and remote communities impacted by major health challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. My project included research into the difficulties these communities experience in accessing adequate and reliable healthcare, 提出可部署健康模块的解决方案, 在2D和3D CAD中对拟议的可部署健康模块进行建模, and lastly presenting my project findings to senior engineers within Saab.

“这段经历非常有趣! 主要是, 这是一些简单的事情,比如学会在办公室工作, getting to know people within the division and gaining relationships along the way."

You don’t realise the social impact working in an office has; working alongside people all day is the best way to learn the practicalities of working in a professional setting.

“我真的很喜欢研究我感兴趣的话题, and I found modelling the modules and seeing the design come to life visually a very fulfilling experience. I’ve found people are always willing to help and answer any questions I have – so don’t be afraid to ask!”



“我一直对科学很感兴趣, 数学和技术,小时候喜欢用乐高积木搭东西, so naturally I am pursuing a career that incorporates all these aspects into one.

和凯文相似, I am also based in Saab’s Victorian office over the summer to research and develop deployable health modules, 特别关注偏远地区可部署的透析模块.

虽然一开始很有挑战性, I have enjoyed the freedom to approach this project in whichever way I liked, although I always had access to Saab engineers to help guide me in the right direction.

“该项目需要对该模块的各个方面进行大量研究, 包括透析本身的过程, 透析中心的要求和设计, 部署因素,如地形和气候, 还有很多技术要求.

“我的项目的核心是CAD设计, which really allowed me to construct and visualise the module in a way which easily communicated all the design requirements of the project.

“The internship was not just about expanding my technical knowledge but it also gave me the opportunity to meet new people and gain professional skills such as clear communication, 向客户介绍, workshopping with colleagues and collaborating with the team to find the best solutions for the project.

“My time at Saab has taught me the age old question of ‘what does an engineer do day-to-day?’ Keep an open mind to what you’ll learn and what you might gain from an internship – you’ll learn much more than you think. ”


Studying Design and Business, majoring in Communication Design and Marketing

“Over the course of my internship within the 土地 team at Saab I have focused on market research of the healthcare industry in remote 澳大利亚. With the aim to identify key stakeholder and service gaps so that in the future those needs can be met with deployable health solutions.

“The remainder of my project was focused on researching effective ways to communicate our deployable health solutions to organisations who can provide healthcare to remotely based 澳大利亚ns. To aid in my research I reached out to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations for consultation about culturally appropriate messaging.

I really enjoyed working on this project because it has given me a lot of perspective about the healthcare gaps and ways that we can help these communities.

“在这次实习中,我收获了很多, it has given me insight into the type of work I will be doing once I finish university and has helped me understand how my studies can be applied to real life projects.”


亚洲体育博彩平台实习,你可能会遇到上百个故事中的任何一个. 尽管希拉里, 贾斯汀和凯文都在我们的可部署健康部门工作, other interns placed in South 澳大利亚 worked on projects in our Maritime, Underwater and 安全 divisions – all with vastly different project focuses.

Although the project opportunities between domains are distinctively diverse, 亚洲体育博彩平台的实习生有一个共同点, 你将获得行业经验, 职业关系和拓宽视野的机会.